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Get Gigs Detailed Feature Overview: 
Hourly Rate Bidding

Hourly Rate Bidding: Functionality + Benefits

Benefits for Workers:

  • Increased Earning Potential: Submit bids at your desired rate, allowing you to potentially earn more than the standard offered rate by negotiating higher pay for Shifts.
  • Greater Control and Flexibility: With the ability to submit and edit bids, you have more control over your schedule and earnings. You can choose to accept Shifts that best fit your availability and pay expectations.
  • Improved Transparency: Along with the new bid functionality, the app provides clear visibility into the status of your bid negotiations and offers, ensuring you are well-informed and can make timely decisions. 
  • Enhanced Matching with Employers: Participating in the bidding process provides you the ability to better align your skills, experience and availability with the needs of Requesters. Looking to skill up or get your foot in the door with a new Requester? You can bid below the posted rate to improve your chances of being selected. 
Hourly Rate Bidding

The Basics

How to use hourly rate bidding

Submitting a Bid

Submitting a Bid

There are two ways bids can be submitted:

  1. Apply and Bid: Apply to available shifts by going through the standard application process, but now, you will have an additional step to select your bid amount. You can bid the same rate for all Shifts or differentiate if needed.
  2. Respond to a Bid Request: When receiving a Bid Request notification, you will be asked to consent to all Shift requirements and select a bid amount before submitting.

Find Your Bid Submissions

See all your bid submissions in one place by:

  1. Navigate to the 'My Gigs' tab at the bottom of your screen
  2. Be sure you're on the 'Shifts' tab
  3. Scroll to the right to find 'Bid Submitted' filter
Bid Submitted

Editing a Bid

After submitting a bid, you can edit the amount any time up until the Requester responds to your bid by accepting, rejecting, or countering the bid.

Edit from the Shift Details page:

  1. Under 'Bid Submitted' find the Shift you'd like to edit and select 'View"
  2. In the details find the 'Edit Bid' button
  3. Adjust your bid and don't forget to click the 'Submit Bid' button at the bottom

Managing Pending Offers and Counter Bids

There are two ways bids can be accepted:

  • Offers: Once a bid is accepted by the Requester, you will receive a Shift Offer. Accepting the offer schedules you for the shift; if your availability has changed, you're able to reject the offer.
  • Counter Bids: If you bid over the offered rate, the Requester can send back a counter-offer with a new offered hourly rate. You can then accept, reject, or send back your own counter-bid.
Edit Bid

Now you're ready to start bidding! 

If you have any questions, please reach out to support.